Trying Dr. Berg’s Keto Baked Spaghetti Squash

I did a little meal planning this week after perusing Dr. Berg’s healthy Keto recipes and decided to try the Keto Baked Spaghetti Squash.

This recipe also had a video I watched first, and as I mentioned when I tried Dr. Berg’s Healthy Keto Chili, long lists of ingredients tend to overwhelm me, so any time there is an accompanying video, I always watch it first, then look at the ingredients.

It helps my mind to put it altogether if I do it in this order. Here is the video for you to watch if you’d like:

This was an interesting one. Normally I really like baked spaghetti squash, that’s why when I saw this recipe I got excited. However, it wasn’t really my favorite I must admit.

The recipe calls for 1 tablespoon of black pepper. That is a lot of pepper, especially for the amount of food this recipe actually produces. It was very very spicy. I don’t recall the recipe saying anything about how spicy this would turn out. It should be called ‘Spicy Baked Spaghetti Squash’ to be fair.

If I ever made this again, I would probably use ‘maybe’ half the pepper, if not just foregoing it altogether. And I would use more than one spaghetti squash, or a bigger one than I used.

The recipe says it serves 6, but when I emptied out the spaghetti squash into my baking dish, I ended up adding broccoli I had been cooking as a side into the squash recipe because I was concerned it wouldn’t be enough food for my family of 4.

Carb And Calorie Profile

According to his website, here is the low down on this meal’s carb, protein, calorie, and fat count: (note: these stats are for this meal without the broccoli.)

  • 169 calories 
  • 8 g protein 
  • 7 g carbohydrates 
  • 12 g fat

Healthy Keto Baked Spaghetti Squash Ingredients

Here is the actual recipe ingredients: (without the broccoli)

  • 1 whole spaghetti squash
  • 2 Tbsp olive oil
  • ½ Tbsp sea salt
  • 1 Tbsp black pepper
  • 2 tsp dried oregano
  • 1 tsp dried thyme
  • 1 egg
  • 2 fresh tomatoes, sliced
  • 5 slices / 145 g provolone cheese

Here is what the end result looked like (doesn’t look as pretty as Dr. Berg’s):

Trying Dr. Berg's Keto Baked Spaghetti Squash

You can see the broccoli cooked in there.

I first cut my spaghetti squash in half, added all the spices in the ingredient list, and baked it on 400 degrees for an hour. This is what it looked like when it came out of the oven. Looks like something out of a horror film! Ha!

The baked squash from Dr. Berg's Keto Baked Squash

I then spooned out the squash into a glass baking dish, added an egg to the mix, and added broccoli on top.

Broccoli added to Dr. Berg's Baked Spaghetti Squash Recipe
Broccoli added to Dr. Berg's Keto  Baked Spaghetti Squash

I then topped it with tomatoes and provolone cheese.

Adding tomatoes to Dr. Berg's Keto Baked Squash
Adding provolone to Dr. Berg's Keto Baked Squash

I popped it in the oven and baked it for an extra 10 minutes on 400 degrees, and when it was done, this is what it looked like:

Dr. Berg's Keto Baked Squash all finished up

For the directions, you can click through here to Dr. Berg’s recipe page for this meal.

Would I make this meal again? Maybe for myself. And definitely without the pepper. It unfortunately was not a hit with my kids, and when my husband saw it, he opted for McDonald’s!

I, however, really like spaghetti squash, so I may give it another shot, and try adding some other veggies in as well.

Need to come back to this recipe? Pin this image to Pinterest so you can find it quickly.

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